Title : Beauty And The Beast
Exposition : Belle and his father lived in the village peacefully. Her father was mocked by the villagers. He sold his invention to the city
Turning action : when he went to the city, he got trapped by a storm then he saw a huge palace and decided to take shelter
Rising action : The Beast, who had the palace knowing that Belle's father entered his palace and then he locked up her father into the jail.
Climax : If Belle wants to save her father she should replace him to be locked up. At first, she felt sad because she didn't to be there. But, by the time she felt happy besides The Beast. Her father comeback to the village and then the villagers knew that there is a Beast lived in the palace. And then they decided to come to the palace to attack The Beast. The Beast got attacked by Gaston, the guy who loves Belle.
Resolution : The Beast got hurt by the end of the term of the rose flower that could save him from the curse.
Denovement : Suddenly, The Beast get free from the curse and turn into a prince and live happily with Belle.
Maulinda Maudy (13020117130036)
Chisa Diaz K.A. (13020117130048)
Selvy Jessica B. (13020117130049)
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