Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Summary of Prose Fiction

Kadek Ayu Febriyanti (040)
Chisa Diaz Kurnia (048)
Muhammad Navi Pahlevy (065)

1. "Prose" and "Fiction" : these are important concepts, and-like all concepts-they shouldn't be taken for granted

2. Prose fiction consists of many sub-genres. Some of these are usually defined quite simply by length

3. A narrative is a sequence of events, fictional or non-fictional, told or narrated by someone

4. In literary narrative, the person who narrates the narrative is the narrator. And the whole business of how narrators narrate narratives to narratees is called narratology

5. There is also a category of prose fiction texts in between called short novels or long short stories

6. A term is only as good as the thought s and reading that it generates.

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