Thursday, February 22, 2018

Areas of critical judgement

1. Muhimmah Hudhriyati (13020117130034)
2. Melinda Damayanti (13020117130055)
3. Salma Lista Fauziah (13020117130063)

6 Most Important Points from Today Lecture:
1. Function of literature: to instruct and entertaint, and to share a complex experience of life.
2. Areas of Critical Judgement: Mimetic Criticism, Pragmatic Criticism, Expressive Criticism, and Objective Criticism.
3. The culture of Western Europe is derived from two ultimate sources; Graeco-Roman civilisation and Judaeo-Christian theology
4. The literature work from Classical really influenced by myth like Greek/Roman Gods and Goddess.
5. Religious references should be treated objectively.
6. Historical Development of English Literature: Medieval, Renaissance, Neo-Classical, Modern. Each of them oppose the literature work an era before them, ex: Renaissance era oppose Medieval era.

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